您可以用動詞 to get 或 to have 取代 Be 動詞,構成具有被動語意、但並非被動語態的句子。這些句型構造通常描述的狀況有:希望某人為自己做某事,或僱某人來為自己做某事等。主詞是主動的,但他做的只有「令」某人做某事。句中主要動詞要求做某動作的對象並不會被指名。當句子有被動的意味時,第二人並不明確。我們更關注動作的結果,而不是關注做動作的人。
- I must get my hair cut.
- I must have my hair cut.
- When are you going to get that window mended?
- We're having the house painted.
- We'll get the work done as soon as possible.
- I'll get those letters typed before lunchtime.
- She said she'd have my lunch delivered by noon.
- You should have your roof repaired before next winter.
- Jim had his car stolen last night.
- Jim's car was stolen.
- They had their roof blown off in the storm.
- Their roof was blown off in the storm.
"to need" 用於被動構句
在主動句中,也可以用動詞 to need + 動名詞來讓句子有被動的意味。對我們來說,這些句子的重點在於「承受」某動作的人或物,而非「執行」動作的人。
- The ceiling needs painting.
- The ceiling needs to be painted.
- My hair needs cutting.
- My hair needs to be cut.
- That faucet needs fixing.
- That faucet needs to be fixed.