家務篇 - 家中有咁多家務,識講就可以搵工人幫輕下。 以下一些日常家務的指令, 一定用得著。
鑊剷 spatula
例句: Use a plastic spatula to stir the mixture. 用鑊剷炒餸
筲箕 colander
例句: Pour the cooked spaghetti into the colander to drain. 用筲箕盛載意大利粉去脫乾水
湯殼 ladle
例句: Use a ladle to serve the soup. 用湯杓盛載湯
菜刀 cleaver
例句: You’ll need a cleaver to chop up that meat. 你要用菜刀去剁碎啲肉
砧板 chopping board
例句: Don’t forget to wash the chopping board. 切勿忘記要清潔砧板
This washing is still damp. Can you hang it out to dry?
Could you sweep the floor please?
Please take these to the dry cleaner’s/launderette.
點叫工人吸一吸客廳啲塵 ?
Can you vacuum the living room?
Please try to get the stain out of the sofa.
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